Would you take a 20-min ice cold shower?

Thursday, January 31, 2013

A Shivering Amber : Days 1 and 2

I am now reading "The 4-Hour Body" by Timothy Ferriss. I'm still reading "The 4-Hour Work Week" only Wilma gave me "The 4-Hour Body," a new book is always distracting. So here I am. Shivering with my wet hair wrapped in a bath towel.

Wilma takes cold showers every night, so yesterday, she referred me to the chapter on cold showers and I read the section on mastering temperature before I'd even read the disclaimer. Okay, I read the disclaimer first. Then I read on mastering temperature.

In a nutshell, taking an ice cold shower that focuses on the Trapezius muscles has the ability to activate the fat that creates the fat burning acid that dissolves the white dimply fat and helps to create muscle. Fascinating.

I was so scared before turning the hot water off that I nearly began to cry. Why, oh why, would anyone be afraid of cold water? It's water! I know it was the fear of the unknown. There's lots of shivering involved with taking an ice cold shower. The cold is first terrifying, then euphoric, then funny then pointed.

My notes post-shower are below:

approximately midnight/near midnight when began shower. Ice packs. 12:20-01:00
My first cold shower. I was very scared and nearly began to cry. Prayed some only mostly recited scripturee and reminded myself why I'm doing this. to be my best for God. I set the timer for 20 min+ So, very aware of everything- brighter colors and felt alive and bright. Ices packs on upper back afterward. Noticed while rubbing w/ castor oil my body was warm! Several ingrown hairs had surfaced - this doesn't usually happen. I;m amazed and ready to sleep!

ice water simple dance+stretch
3 organic eggs salt cayenne pepper cooked in coconut oil
1 cup frozen peas

I have a condition called keratosis pilaris. Much of my body hair is too thin to grow straight out of my skin and so the tiny hairs become ingrown and become little bumps on my body. This leads to a number of effects such as some of the follicles appearing to be little whiteheads and hyperpigmentation on my stomach and bottom and back. Annoying since I was a teenager. I noticed that there were many follicles that were so warm after my ice cold shower that the ingrown hairs had been pushed out!

I was (last night) and am now very awake and very relaxed after my ice cold shower. Tonight's shower (which began around 9 PM after a 15-30 minute nap), I set the timer for 25 minutes to give me time to wash my hair and shave my underarms. I think the ice cold part of the shower was 15 minutes since I decided I'd had enough. I feel like a baby getting out of that water. My skin appears brighter. My muscles feel soothed. I feel happy!

Along with the ice cold showers, I feel a boost in my metabolism and a very happy mood. Read the book to hear more on these two.

My day today featured the start of my new diet. I had chicken, salad, broccoli and kimchi from the Korean place and 2 espressos. I made a note to self: Only one espresso per day. I was feeling really grumpy after work, like a crash, and also very restless, then came home and had a big evacuation. Also not the norm for me. No carbs or sugar today. I feel like a million shivering bucks.

I did a headstand! Elbows. I have goals with my headstand. I view my headstand and the hunt for a geodesic jungle gym with Jenny on Tuesday as my "Being at Play." Children have fun and are fit because they seize the moments to be active. So, if you see me out and about, ask if I feel like doing a headstand.

My day also featured the most amazing heat in the core of my body. I told my coworkers, "It feels like I'm carrying a light inside me. Like my soul's on fire." Maybe that sounds a little crazy. They get me. My organs are hot and my usual air conditioned environments are bearable if not soothing because I'm so darn hot from the very core of me out.

I plan to have the ice water, dance+stretch and same breakfast tomorrow! It was delicious today and useful. I hope to read as much as possible to get to the exercises. I don't see much of the book as suggested. I want to know what to do to get to fitter, healthier and this is my opportunity to transform my habits and traditions for the better. I imagine my future husband finding my cold showers to be endearing and inspiring, like me.

I'm looking forward to eating well. I'm big on the instruction to eat simply. The same shortlist of foods. I don't miss sugar or carbs, even though they are my addictions. When you see me eating carbs on Wednesday, just know, it's my Eat What I Want Day.

Hugs from A Shivering Amber
who is dreaming of China these days

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