Would you take a 20-min ice cold shower?

Saturday, February 2, 2013

A Shivering Amber : Day 3 - Why I'm Eating Asparagus at 1 in the Morning

Day 3 of temperature control went very well. Day 3 corresponds with Day 2 of my diet transformation. I hate the word diet. I'm not dieting, I have removed crazy from what I eat. And crazy is my favorite things: croissant, sugar, fruit. People think, "Fruit! It's so good for you and ME!" Wrong. Fruit is full of sugar, fruit sugar, which isn't as notorious as processed sugars only the body doesn't need as much sugar as we put in it. It's true.

So, I miss my habits and routines. Eating lots of blueberries because they are brain food and super good! Blueberries aren't in season right now. At least not in California. I miss having a croissant with my espresso, which used to have one packet of raw sugar only now has agave nectar. I miss it. I know the texture and taste and want what I want all the time. Only, it's lovely to choose what is best and delay gratification. I know how to do that. Growing up, Ebs always wanted to open presents on Christmas Eve. This was me: "It's Christmas Eve. Tomorrow is Christmas. I want to wait for Christmas!" Just one example.

Day 2 of Nouritture, after my ice water, I had eggs and peas again for breakfast then an espresso with Lecie in the late morning. My lunch, my wonderful lunch, was 4 slices of sirloin cap and a large serving of collard greens. I ate that plate of delicious quickly cuz it was good! Throughout the day, I felt that wonderful warmth in my stomach. My core is noticeably warm all day long. I imagine a fire inside my stomach, the very center of me, which is invigorating. I feel like I can do anything. I sprinted and practiced my headstand during my down moments! I thought, Who am I?! It's not that I feel happy then I feel like being active. I feel warm in my core which surprises and comforts and assures me that my body is ready to run, climb, dance, stand up straight and that makes me happy. I don't feel the need to "warm up" because I'm already there. I wore my Converse today to work on my posture

I've been getting very little sleep, averaging 3-5 hours per night this week, so I came home and napped. I continued to wake then fall asleep until it was 11PM! I'd meant to take my ice cold shower at 9! So, it's now 01:50 and I'm blogging while eating dinner... asparagus. I didn't buy any meat today. I see that breakfast and lunch are the easiest to manage, especially being so close to the Farmer's Market, Trader Joe's and WholeFoods. I had a headache after my ice cold shower and decided to eat something.

 My ice cold shower tonight, I noticed that I am not shivering like I did the first time. I am able to regulate my breathing after 30 seconds to 1 minute. I'm grateful for the numbness in my trapezius after a few minutes, since the ice cold water becomes bearable and I know my body is working. I set the alarm for 20 minutes and got out of the shower with 5 minutes to spare. The goal isn't to stay in the shower as long as possible. The shower is just the start of the temperature mastering. I may begin having just a 5-10 minute ice cold shower going forward only I love staying in as long as I can. I love the view of my skull timer. It's so Andy Warhol and a little creepy. I did my 20-minute ice pack and wondered why my bottom was cold! Silly me! I had ice on my neck!

A few notes:
- Lecie commented that my face appears brighter
- My fat areas feel soft
- My body muscles ache a few hours after activity when usually the ache from exercise doesn't occur until the morning after
- I am thirsty and hungry
- After eating I feel "refreshed" and "enlivened" more so than "full"

I know that my body needs rest and I ought to figure out great dinners of protein and veggies and legumes to make sure I'm taking care of myself.